
The Association for Coaching® (AC) is a leading independent, and not-for-profit professional body dedicated to promoting best practice and raising the awareness and standards of coaching, worldwide.

The AC’s commitment to championing standards of excellence in the coaching profession is reflected in its AC awards which indicate that an individual has been assessed as working within a robust Coaching Competency Framework, adhering to The Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors and in line with the standards of the accreditation awarded.

Working with Clients

  • Conducting themselves in accordance with this code, committed to delivering the level of service that may reasonably be expected of a practising member.

Professional Conduct

  • Maintaining the reputation of the profession
  • Behaving in a way that at all times reflects positively upon and enhances the reputation of an increasingly professionalised service.
  • Demonstrating respect for the variety of practising members and other individuals in the profession and for the different approaches to coaching, mentoring and supervision.

Ability to perform

  • Having the qualifications, skills and experience appropriate to meet the needs of the client.
  • Being fit and healthy enough to practice. If they are not, or are unsure if they are able to practice safely for health reasons, they will seek professional guidance or support. Where necessary or appropriate, the practising member should manage the termination of their work with the client and refer the client to an alternative practising member.

On-going supervision

  • Engaging in supervision with a suitably qualified supervisor or peer supervision group with a level of frequency that is appropriate to their coaching practice, the requirements of their professional body and the level of their accreditation, or evidence engagement in reflective practice, ideally with peers and/or more experienced colleagues.
  • Ensuring that any other existing relationship with the supervisor does not interfere with the quality of the supervision provided.
  • Discussing any ethical dilemmas and potential, or actual, breaches of this Code with their supervisor or peer supervision group for support and guidance.

Continuing professional development

  • Developing their level of coaching and/or mentoring competence by participating in relevant and appropriate training and/or continuing professional development (CPD).
  • Contributing to the professional community that is appropriate to their level of expertise.  Forms which this may take include informal peer support to fellow practising members, contributing to advancing the profession, research and writing etc.
  • Systematically evaluating the quality of their work through feedback from clients, their supervisor and other relevant parties.